Tuesday, October 26, 2010

Meet the Grandkids!

I know I'm way too young to be a grandma.  I just must have a gift of not aging at all!  I feel like a teenager still!  And some say I look it!  -wink-  But the fact is, I DO have grandchildren.  Six at this moment, to be exact.  So I'd like to introduce you to my growing clan.  This is my daughter Ashlyn, her husband Hunter and their daughter Dianne Zen-Cottoneye.  Ashlyn and Hunter had another baby girl named Brittney but she was mysteriously kidnapped by crazy evil gnomes.  We'll never stop looking for you baby Brittney!!!

And here is my darling daughter, my firecracker, Bella and her Egyptian husband Farouk.  They now have a precious son named Nestor Zen-Rashid.

My slacker son, Carson, who turned out to be far from a slacker....has married young Laurel Grisby and they now have a son named Jonah Zen.

And my babies....my Dixie and Darla....have even started their own little families!  Would you believe they even married twin brothers?  Dixie married Dorian and their son is Darlton Zen-Brecken (named after her twin sister Darla of course).  Darla and Devon married and have a son named Dixon Zen-Brecken (named after sister Dixie of course!).  What a crazy, confusing household.  It sure is a sight when I go visit them, but I haven't in a while.  Must add that to my to-do list.....visit all kids and grandkids!!

Little Emaline is growing up too fast.  She's got the writing gene from me I think, but the clumsiness from her dad - she's constantly breaking my laptop!

In the fall, we welcomed our two newest additions to our home.  Finn and Frazier Zen.

I think little Emaline was a wee bit jealous.  She had gotten used to having us all to herself after her big sisters Dixie and Darla moved out!  And now with the arrival of Finn and Frazier, she was feeling left out, I could tell.  

Just a short while later, before I could even blink, my little Emaline was all grown up!!  She was a teenager headed out for her senior prom!  *sniff*

Of course the next day she was begging me for money to move into her own place!!!  I lost my temper a bit....I mean hello...she's only 17!  She hasn't even graduated yet!  I told her to hold her horses...she'd be grown up soon enough.  She then had to throw Finn and Frazier in my face, about how much attention they get of mine.  Guilt tripping me might have worked with the first few kids, but I have eight children and six grandchildren now.....it doesn't work anymore.

Speaking of Frazier....my little blondie.   It's been too long since we had a baby boy in the house!

And Finn, my little brown haired munchkin.  They both need a haircut badly.  The shaggy look has got to go.

As for me.....I'm still writing away!  I'm a best selling author now.  Don't be surprised if you see my work in the bookstore.  My latest romance novel, A Time For Love, is due out anytime now.  I'm thinking of writing a few self-help books too.  Not because we need the money - we don't.  But because my parenting knowledge is very useful to others and I'd like to share it!  Oh and by the way....baby number 9 is on the way....don't tell Rainer!!!  It's a surprise!

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